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Je me demandais, est-ce que si je lance avec un druide "Spirits of the wood" sur une unité, je peux me téléporter au tour suivant avec le "Mist Walker’s Mirror"
Spirits of the wood :
All models in the target unit are considered to be within a Forest.
Mist Walker's Mirror :
models on foot only
One use only. If the bearer’s unit consists entirely of
Infantry models, is unengaged and is entirely within a
Forest Terrain Feature that doesn’t contain any enemy
models, the unit may teleport to any other Forest Terrain
Feature on the game board. This special movement is
resolved at the end of the player’s Movement Phase. When
teleporting, the unit must be placed entirely within the
target Forest. It may appear in any legal formation but
must follow the 1" Unit Spacing rule. The unit counts as
having performed a March Move.
J'ai pas trouvé dans les FAQ
Gold will turn Black !!